Relive the final of the EM Startupper project

The 4th Intercampus Grand Final of the EM Startupper project (a project run from January to April by all U1 students) took place on the Clichy campus on 16 May.

The aim of the EM Startupper project is to introduce students to entrepreneurship through experimentation from the first year onwards, and to identify and support students who may have the desire to set up a project.

850 students, divided into 217 teams, started with their own idea, a real solution to a problem, which they were able to explore and formalise with the support of an entrepreneurial coach until they were able to present it in a 5-minute pitch.

The 80 best projects (2 per class) were able to apply to the Grand Final and win support from the incubator, high visibility thanks to the school’s communications department, and a promotional video.

On the evening of the Grand Final, the winners also had the opportunity to pitch at the Pépites de l’Entrepreneuriat evening organised by the EM Normandie Alumni Network at BPI France headquarters.

At this event, the 7 teams selected by the Tech & Entrepreneurship team pitched in front of a panel of professionals made up of :

Julien CASSEGRAIN – Treasurer of the EM Normandie Alumni Association – CSR expert and entrepreneur (O2M)
Amélie FORTIER – Director of English-speaking U1/U2/U3 and BBA studies at EM Normandie.
Nizar GHAMGUI – Head of the Strategy and Entrepreneurship Department at EM Normandie
Céline GILLET – Alumni – Founder of Botdefoin (company incubated by the school’s incubator)
Here are the 7 projects selected:

ECOFRIDGE: Application for organising your fridge and respecting use-by dates to limit food waste.
HOMIES: Hire a convivial place to spend time with friends.
INDUP: Platform centralising all independent streetwear brands.
IZYGO: Platform centralising all VTCs to make it easier to find the cheapest ride.
NOODLES RUSH : Distributor of instant noodles.
PET LIFE: Application for centralising services for pets.
SCREENBREAKERS: Application to combat screen addiction.
The winning project was IZYGO, developed by Elise DOMINE and Pauline BOULANGE.

The Tech & Entrepreneurship department noted a real improvement in the quality of the projects and pitches this year. Well done to our students!