Munemjo: EM Normandie graduates enjoy success at the Vivatech trade fair

We are delighted to announce that the Munemjo project, led by two EM Normandie graduates, Emrick Linsden and Joël Kiama, and incubated by the School, has been selected as one of the start-ups to pitch at the Vivatechnology trade fair. They were among the winners of the Impact Builders challenge organised by Vivatechnology.

This prize gave them a stand at the show and the opportunity to present their project in English and French at the event, held in Paris from 22 to 25 May. This is Europe’s biggest tech and start-up show.

Since January 2024, the incubator has opened 5 places to support our graduates’ projects. In addition, the incubator was a partner of the Vivatechnology show and was able to offer 400 passes to students from the School to take part in this event.