A look back at the Responsible Project Awards Ceremony

To encourage students’ commitment to Sustainable Development and Social Responsibility (SD SR), EM Normandie and its Foundation challenged the 900 3rd year students on the Grande École Programme at the Caen, Paris-Clichy, Dublin, Dubai and Oxford campuses to the “Responsible Project”.
Based on the 17 Sustainable Development Goals established by the 193 member states of the United Nations and brought together in the Agenda 2030, each team of 4 students analysed the positioning and strategies of the project’s partner companies and organisations.

This project is part of EM Normandie’s School for Good strategy, which aims to prepare students for the SD RS challenges they will face as managers. During this exercise, they develop managerial and analytical skills that will enable them to lead ecological, social and societal transformations through responsible leadership.
For the third year running, the competition involves companies, giving students the opportunity to work on real-life cases. This year, 9 organisations have placed their trust in EM Normandie by taking part in the project: GATS, Tallano Technologies, TGS France, The Boost Society (KLEY, HIFE, CAMPUS), La Poste Groupe, Ville de Clichy-la-Garenne, Groupe Nutriset, THEAULT, Franprix.
The entire competition is run by Magvenn POUPART and DISE – Direction de l’Impact Sociétal et Environnemental – and is also supported by the EM Normandie Foundation, which has awarded prizes to the winning teams for the past 7 years. The Partnerships Department is also involved in sourcing the participating companies.

For two months, coaches monitored the students and assessed their written reports. The project, launched at the beginning of February, culminated in a competition at the end of April, after each finalist team (selected by the coaches) had pitched its project, presenting its diagnosis and the SD/RS recommendations of the company it had worked with. A prize-giving ceremony attended by the students and professionals taking part was held on 23 May on the Clichy campus.

On this occasion, the First Prize 🏆 was awarded by the EM Normandie Foundation to Paul Desnoyers, Margot Devillers, Elise Di Crescenzo and Luna Dozias for their work on the THEAULT company, focusing on ideas such as decarbonisation of the business, sustainability of production, collaborative economy, etc.

The DISE’s Coup de Cœur prize 💖 was awarded to Lucas Humetz, Ouiza Ikene, Ambre Hurson and Agathe Husson for their remarkable action plan for Franprix. They proposed concrete and quantifiable measures to reduce the use of plastic in shops.

€1,000 was awarded to the two winning groups, who chose to donate the funds to the Sidaction association and a student association at EM Normandie, Les Petits Champions. 👏
The ceremony, during which students and companies shared their very positive feedback, ended with convivial exchanges over cocktails.