L’Etudiant 2025 ranking: EM Normandie ranked 2nd post-bac school in 5 years

L’Etudiant has unveiled its 2025 ranking of the best business schools. With its Grande Ecole programme, EM Normandie has climbed to2nd place among 5-year post-baccalaureate schools, ex-aequo with ESSCA, and has consolidated its place in the top 20 post-baccalaureate and post-prepa schools awarding the Master’s degree, in 18th position.

For its 40th edition, the rankings are based in part on data from the 2022-2023 academic year, which attests to the upturn in activity in the wake of the health crisis, particularly in the international arena. The ranking has also changed its methodology, and now takes into account the selectivity and attractiveness of the schools on the basis of recruitment through the main access routes: Parcoursup for post-baccalauréat schools and Sigem for post-prepa schools.

For the rest, the themes that make up this ranking are the same as in previous years: the 37 ranked schools have been assessed through the prism of academic excellence, professionalisation, internationalism, graduate integration, diversity and the environment.

Find out all about L’Etudiant’s 2025 ranking of the best business schools.