EM Normandie students fight against sexual and gender-based violence

12 volunteer students from EM Normandie, supported by 2 professionals from the “Equilibre et Inclusion” department, will reinforce the staff of volunteers at the Beauregard festival taking place from July 5th to 9th in Herouville-Saint-Clair, as part of the fight against sexual and gender-based violence.

To ensure that festival-goers enjoy the program in complete serenity, the Beauregard festival organization has set up a dedicated Safe Place, as well as a pool of volunteers trained to prevent and guide potential victims during the festival period.

EM Normandie’s “Equilibre et Inclusion” department will be providing specific training for these volunteers prior to the festival, and regular patrols will be carried out by EM Normandie students.

EM Normandie is proud to be actively involved in this theme, alongside the Beauregard festival organization.

More info about the festival: here