EM Normandie has just been awarded the SD/SR label for 2 years

We are delighted to announce that EM Normandie has just been awarded the SD/SR label for two years.

The labeling scheme, known as Label SD&SR – Sustainable Development and Social Responsibility – for higher education was created in 2015. It provides national and international recognition for the sustainable development and social responsibility initiatives of French higher education and research establishments. It also enables establishments to increase their skills within a collective of committed establishments through their participation in the labeling committee as well as in audits of candidate establishments.

The SD&SR Label is based on a common national reference framework that has been in existence since 2009, following the adoption of article 55 of the Grenelle 1 environmental law. It is a systemic label.

Obtaining this label confirms EM Normandie’s purpose, which is to inspire and train the generations of yesterday, today and tomorrow to become players in a sustainable world, as well as its “school for good” philosophy.

More information about our philosophy: here