EM Normandie Business School obtains the renewal of the BSIS Label, a guarantee of strong impact on the Normandy and Ile-de-France regions

EM Normandie Business School has just been awarded the renewal of the International BSIS label for a maximum period of 3 years. This label assesses the extent and nature of a Business School’s impact on its environment. In particular, the auditors highlighted the School’s very significant development since the last assessment in 2017, with an overall financial impact of more than €417 million. This renewal, together with the recent award of the DD&RS label, reinforces the School’s commitment to pursuing its actions to have a sustainable and responsible impact on its territories.

Created by the FNEGE and adapted for international use through a partnership with the EFMD (European Foundation for Management Education), the BSIS (Business School Impact System) label measures the extent and nature of a business school’s impact on its local, national and international environments, covering 7 impact dimensions: financial, educational, business development, intellectual, regional ecosystem, societal and image.